# Drupal and the Internet of things ## Drupalcamp Oslo 2015 ### Eirik Morland ### Ny Media ### [@orkj](https://twitter.com/orkj)
# Eirik? - Developer - Beer nerd (although not beer snob) - Not so good at soldering
# Internet of things? > The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
# What we will cover - Communication patterns / flow - Authentication and security - Animated GIFs, blinking LEDs, cats and dogs.
## What we will not cover ### Other ways to do Drupal and IoT - Install Drupal on a Raspberry Pi - Attach some wires - Enable Php module - create a node with PHP filter that reads $_GET - Run `exec("sudo ...");` - ...? - Profit?

To demo or not to demo?

## Pros - What could possibly go wrong?

## Cons - That's a horrible idea

# 1st demo ## Offline status checker (esp8266 and LED) [Video demo](video/offline-online.mp4)
# What happens here? - Not a very smart "thing". - One-way communication (Drupal site does not know what requests it) - Only checks the status code (200 or not). - Turns on LED based on status code. - Not very Drupal specific. - Uses no authentication (no secret data is used, status code is "public")
# 2nd demo ## Toggle maintenance mode with a TV remote. [Video demo](video/remote-offline.mp4)
# What happens here? - Microcontroller receives IR signal. - Makes a request to a Drupal site, that has a path exposed to toggle maintenance mode. - Request uses session cookie to authenticate. - Kind of "headless" interaction with the Drupal site (we will expand on this later).
# Pros and cons about session authentication.
## Pros - Easy to set up. - Uses the same permission system as the regular front-end.
## Cons - Not persistent (time based). - Follows the browser session (if you log out of the browser, the "thing" will be logged out). - If session gets compromised, all permissons with that user gets available to attacker. You don't compromise an endpoint, but a user.
### Reminder #1 # ALWAYS USE HTTPS
# 3rd demo ## Headless and decoupled "thing" counting nodes. [Video demo](video/count-nodes.mp4)
# What happens here? - Drupal saves a node, publishes a key in Redis. - Counter is communicating with a node.js server that listens for a key in Redis. - Upon change, query the "rest-version" of the front page and count number of nodes. - Rest query is as anonymous user, so it reflects the state of the frontpage (published/promoted).
## Both decoupled and headless
# 4th demo ## Raspberry Pi monitoring temperatures and posting them as nodes. [Video demo](video/post-temp.mp4)
# What happens here? - Raspberry Pi senses temperature. - Every 3 minutes (and on start) it sends the temperature to an endpoint using an API key. - API keys are per user. If they are valid, a node is posted.
# Pros and cons about API keys.
## Pros - If key is compromised, the key only gives access to one specific thing (not the whole permission system and thus the user). - Keys can be regenerated system-wide and per user. - Keys can be persistent and with no relation to user sessions.
## Cons - This particular use-case is a custom module (could theoretically be an authentication strategy for core REST module). - Still can be sniffed over plain HTTP.
# 5th demo ## Arduino node analysis, post TV remote off signal when a picture of a dog appears. [Video demo](video/node-dog-offline.mp4)
# What happens here? - Arduino superspeed processor does a GIF frame by frame analysis and recognises a dog in the GIF. Sends a NUKE LAZER command that reaches all the way to London (where the server is) and melts down the server farm of Linode.
- ^^ (Just kidding). - Same decoupled node.js backend receives the node title as a key, find the word "dog" in it. - When "dog" is found, an IR signal is sent out (corresponding to a certain TV on/off toggle button) - Ardiuno does not care what receives the signal, so it is picked up and the toggle maintenance mode is sent. - The offline LED monitor picks up the offline mode of the site.
# Some thoughts on dependencies on devices, services and Drupal in general
- The Drupal site does not care who listens to a key, it just publishes something to redis. - The node.js backend does not care where the redis publish came from. It just relays information. - The Arduino does not care if the data it receives comes from Drupal or the node.js backend. Nor does it care if the IR signal is sent to a TV. - The Tessel does not care about if the signal comes from a remote. Nor does it care if the toggle request is for a Drupal site. - The Drupal site does not care about the origin of the toggle request, it only cares about authentication. - The status monitoring does not care about anything at all.
# 6th demo ## Voice recognition, post a node based on this, with a picture, via the REST module. [Video demo](video/voice-recognition.mp4)
# What happens here?
- A "thing" is recording and upon silence is doing voice analysis of last recording. - If the word "cat" or "dog" is found, a node posting starts: - POST a new file entity via REST module (REST endpoint for file) - POST a new node entity via REST module, and attach the newly created file (REST endpoint for node). - The node has a title based on keyword (for example "a picture of a dog". - If the word "dog" is in the title, the IR signal for TV on/off is sent. - If the IR signal for TV ond/off is sent, request is sent for maintenance mode toggle on/off. - If maintenance mode is enabled, status checker goes red.
# Autentication via REST module - Uses the Basic auth module in core. - Does not "interfere" with regular user sessions. - Will (in theory) only provide access to REST resources if compromised. - (although since this is basic auth you are basically giving away your password as well) - Super important (still) with https.
# Take aways? - Always, *always* use https. - Different strategies for autentication and security - Different patterns for communicating. - Drupal 8 is awesome. - Use https. - Eirik is not very good at soldering. - This upcoming gif
## Questions?
# Thanks! - [ESP8266 offline/online LED](https://github.com/eiriksm/drupal-offline-status-gpio-esp) - [TV remote to maintenance mode](https://github.com/eiriksm/tessel-ir-to-drupal) - [The 7-segment node counter](https://github.com/eiriksm/segment-node-counter) - [node.js server for monitoring redis key publishing](https://github.com/eiriksm/redis-key-poller) - [Raspberry Pi temp poster](https://github.com/eiriksm/raspberry-temp-to-drupal) - [Send on/off on a picture of a dog](https://github.com/eiriksm/node-poller-send-ir) - [Voice recognition to REST with a picture](https://github.com/eiriksm/voice-to-drupal-node) - [Issue for base64 encoded data for file REST endpoint](https://www.drupal.org/node/1927648)