# "Driesnote"
[Keynote by Dries Buytaert](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/driesnote)
Talked about "hard problems"
...and Drupal 8 release date.
RC1 - October 7th, 2015 (*)
(*) Criticals left: 0
## Also announced:
Drupal.org marketplace is now sorted by contributions. This is kind of cool.
[Ny Media is now featured on the first page](https://www.drupal.org/drupal-services)
# Configuration Deployment Best Practices in Drupal 8
[By moshe weitzman, populist](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/configuration-deployment-best-practices-drupal-8)
Drupal 8 Config Managment (CM) is super awesome
It let you keep site configuration under Git control
...and is fully supported by Drush
drush config-export
drush config-import
configuration changes to live? No problem:
drush config-merge @live
# Symfony for Drupal developers
[By Crell](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/symfony-drupal-developers)
# Docker powered team and deployment
[By Daven](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/docker-powered-team-and-deployment)
#### Docker
### is
# awesome
...and others also feel the same way.
# Headful Drupal
[By nod_](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/headful-drupal)
# Docker in the DrupalCI test infrastructure
[By jaredsmith](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/docker-drupalci-test-infrastructure)
#### Docker
### is
# awesome
New Drupal CI is based on Docker.
Test Drupal Core against all supported major versions of PHP and HHVM
... also major versions of supported databases (MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, PostregSQL)
# Coding with Rules for Drupal 8
Best session ever
...or probably not.
# Composer and Drupal 8
[By webflo and tstoeckler](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/composer-and-drupal-8)
Use case:
- Drupal dependencies for distributions (instead of `drush make`)
- Third-party party dependencies for modules, themes, distributions
Almost ready (last blocker had been commited yesterday)
# Caching at the Edge: CDNs for everyone
[By Wim Leers, Fabianx](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/caching-edge-cdns-everyone)
No more:
- drupal_add_js()
- drupal_add_css()
- url()
Render array instead.
> What do I get in return?
- Cache tags (data dependencies)
- Cache contexts (context dependencies)
- Cache max-age (time dependencies)
CDN cache:
# PhpStorm for Drupal Development
[by neuro159](https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2015/sessions/phpstorm-drupal-development)